Hash Password in Next.js with TypeScript

Hashing a password means mixing it up so it’s hard to understand. It’s like turning "password" into $2a$10$pi9gVGCkaik4P7LTjpEya.OBxKMuWuUIo.Bo8XItLelBcc49NvTC

This keeps passwords safe, especially in databases

To hash passwords, we need to install the bcrypt-ts package using the command: yarn add bcrypt-ts

First, we need to import the necessary functions from the bcrypt-ts package:

import { genSaltSync, hashSync } from "bcrypt-ts";

Next, we define two variables. The salt variable is generated using genSaltSync(10), determining the complexity of the generated salt. Then, we create the hash variable by using hashSync(notHashedPassword, salt), which hashes the password "notHashedPassword" with the generated salt.

  const notHashedPassword = user.password;
  const salt = genSaltSync(10);
  user.password = hashSync(notHashedPassword, salt);

After hashing our password, it’s secure to add it to the database. Hashing makes the password unreadable, enhancing security. Even if someone accesses the database, they can’t decipher the original password. This practice protects user accounts and sensitive data, ensuring their security.

Here’s an example of hashing password when using MongoDB as the database:

Hashing user passwords before pushing them to the database:

Testing password:

Result on MongoDB: